Category: Introspection
In favor of consistency
Since I came back from Europe I have been discovering some things about people and about myself that are making some difference on the way I try to live my life. For one, I realized the obvious – World of Warcraft was consuming my life. Don’t get me wrong, the game is awesome, and I…
Not ready yet.
I’m supposed to write a long, introspective post here. This is not it. There is a post I’ve been meaning to post here for some time now. A post with the intention to summarize all that happened during the last 12 months and, most importantly, what I have learned from that. But I’m still not…
Today I feel like screaming
It’s been such a long time since the last concert I went to I can’t even remember which one it was. This period ends today. In a few hours I’m leaving to see Deep Purple. The last time they were in Brazil Jon Lord was still at the keyboards, but I missed the chance to…
Samples and memories
This is what’s left of my masters: a box full of samples. The picture above, which I took a few minutes ago, is from a box where I stored all samples and materials I used in my work for my masters degree. Actually, not all the materials are in the box – some of them,…
A moment of reflection
Your priorities define the kind of person you are. Your methods define if you are good enough for them.
Já vai tarde.
Very good things happened in 2008. But I’m not gonna miss that year. Not anytime soon. Anyway, Happy New Year.