Category: Introspection
Driving Permission in a week
Now it’s official. I’m a licensed driver. I passed the exam almost flawlessly, the only mistake I made was forgetting to use the flasher once. All in all, it was pretty easy, actually. Easier than I expected, though, to be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Anyway I was very calm and relaxed and,…
I wanna have Time 5.
Man, I can’t believe two weeks have already passed since my last post. Time is running fast this year. To think that in about two months I’ll be defending my masters is a bit frightening, to be honest. I’m not sure I’m prepared for that, and there is still a lot to do. At least…
Happy, but a bit frustrated
As previously mentioned, I passed the theoretical examination last thursday. No surprises there. As predicted, it was pathetic. The only question (out of thirty) I missed concerned knowing by heart the seriousness of “not updating the register of vehicle or driver’s license”. Honestly, how would that be useful in traffic? Certainly it’s desirable to know…
Not… screwed?
Ok, I may have overreacted in my last post. Turns out, I’m not as screwed as I thought I was. Electron density mapping is a very complicated thing to do, and my advisor decided to leave it out of the work for now. But she did want to do it when we first talked about…
Oh fuck.
I’m screwed. Big time. I had MONTHS do to something, and I didn’t. The only excuse I have is that I don’t even know where to begin to do something like what I had to do. Anyway, I’m screwed. Big time.
Six more months
I have received an extension in my funding. I am in the process of renewing it until the end of July. I can’t say this is what I’ve been hoping for. I actually would prefer receiving word about my PhD – I need to be sure it is going to happen. This actually worries me…
Learn less, do more
I don’t really have an idea for this post. I suppose this time of the year it should be about evaluating the year, pondering good and bad things that happened. I made a lot of progress with my work. Not the amount I would consider ideal, though – I’ve procrastinated an awful lot this year.…