Category: Introspection
Serious people are rare around here.
Today’s distance: 0 meters.Yesterday’s distance: 0 meters. Yesterday the heavens fell apart, and it rained all the day. It wasn’t even nearly possible to swim, so I didn’t go. Today, with an awful lot of stuff to do, I didn’t go either. Although I’m thinking about going later, since my work for the day is…
Briefly brief briefing.
This is not going to be a real update. This is going to be a shamelessly brief account of what happened in the last 43 days. I’m doing good in swimming. Although there are a lot of ways I can improve, things are going ok; 2000 meters and counting. Maybe I’ll begin to post here…
Moving On
So an aunt of mine died last monday. I have to be honest, it was kind of expected. But something like that brings you down anyway. Still, I see something very odd in the way I react to stuff like this. The last time I actually cried because of someone else’s death was some 13…
Gotta earn it.
Yesterday was Yoshi’s birthday. To celebrate, Red Five performed their first public appearance – Yoshi is one of the guitar players in the band. It was so cool. It was the first time I went to a *ahem* concert and knew some members of the band. Their setlist is good, everyone enjoyed it. Sometimes I…
Still looking for answers.
I honestly don’t know what to write about here. I guess it’s because so many things have been happening in the last few weeks I haven’t had the time to sort it all out. However I have been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve been thinking mostly about the way I live and the way…
All is well that ends well…
…too bad it ain’t over yet. It’s tomorrow – hopefully – that I’ll get over with the due credits for my graduation. All I need is to do well in tomorrow’s test – too bad the teacher is not exactly what I would call a good teacher… or a good role model for that matter.…