Category: Misc

  • Merry Christmas

    Thanks to Daniel I decided to post something here. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I think it would be nice to have some message here. Sometimes I am truly amazed with how people are so driven to always be successful in everything they do. I know success is important. But hey, what good would be…

  • It’s Dec 17… wow!

    It’s been a while again, I know. Probably no one even comes here anymore. But I intend to keep this anyway. I like to read things I wrote in the past; that gives me a sense os continuity, and shows me the differences between what I have been and what I am. One thing that…

  • It’s been a while.

    It’s been a quite long time since my last post. Unfortunately, the end of the semester is beginning to show its effects on me, as usual. My free time grows thinner and thinner. Thanks to Yoshi I had a glance at GHII last thursday. Dude, it rocks. I can’t wait until I get the chance…

  • ’nuff said

    It’s amazing how certain things happen. Last night the little disaster of a couple weeks ago turned out to be just an opportunity which I happened to seize. I’m glad I did.

  • That was a good weekend. Now, back to work.

    As things slowly get back where they belong, I begin to think what I’m going to write here about. I’m honestly not sure yet about what to write. It’s easier to think about stuff when you have some subject that takes most of your thoughts during the day. My new toy (the iriver ifp-790T I…

  • Not saturday night yet. But…

    There’s nothing like having good friends at times like these. Saturday and Sunday were simply wonderful: both days I spent with my friends trying not to ruin their fun. I don’t know if I succeeded at that, but at least it gave me time to think. Getting at home after meeting many friends and realize…

  • Not that viewtiful

    I’m not sure what to say, or think, or do. I was expecting something like this. I’m not sure how, but my guts told me to expect that. But I’m not prepared to write about how this week has been heaven and hell to me. I’m just glad it’s over. ’nuff said.