Category: Misc

  • VT8233 on Linux – making S/PDIF work

    I’m making this post hoping it might be useful in case someone googles for something related. A long time ago when I bought the parts for my current desktop at home I chose Asus’ excellent A7V600-X motherboard. It comes with a fancy S/PDIF output RCA jack, and I thought to myself, ‘sometime I should get…

  • Stairway to Heaven

    Had I been there yesterday, I don’t know what could have happened. One thing is certain: there was no other place I’d rather be. [youtube]

  • Contradiction or hyprocrisy?



    Interesting thing I saw on the way home: some guy to whom a mohawk is not enough. He decided to make dreadlocks on it, too. What can I say? He was the ugliest thing I’ve seen these days. I do not argue with taste, though. With 6 billion people in the planet, there’s a taste…

  • Briefly brief briefing.

    This is not going to be a real update. This is going to be a shamelessly brief account of what happened in the last 43 days. I’m doing good in swimming. Although there are a lot of ways I can improve, things are going ok; 2000 meters and counting. Maybe I’ll begin to post here…

  • Spooky

    My advisor has just scared the shit out of me. She sent me an email asking me to write an abstract for a meeting I didn’t remember about. The good thing is, I did know about it and I did make my registration. And I did send my abstract – exactly the one my advisor…

  • Sound Juicer Sucks

    Sound Juicer looks like a pretty good application for encoding audio tracks. To bad it doesn’t work the way it should. I have never had problems with it before, because I always used its default profiles. When I friend came by and saw a CD he liked and asked for a copy, I said ok.…

  • I hate banks. Apparently, the feeling in mutual.

    So banks hate me. Or, at least, Santander does. For some obscure reason I’m not aware of, every single time I need something out of the ordinary from them, it’s excruciatingly painful to get it. Somehow they find a way to keep annoying me with endless, random problems. For the last whole month I’ve been…