Author: fmneto

  • Onward!

    “Don’t wait too long for the right reason, or else you might end up making the wrong choice.” — me I’m not completely sure about how that popped into my head. A couple of weeks ago I was doing… something, and the words just came to me. Being completely honest I’ve been thinking a lot…

  • 2010 is over.

    “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man.” –Benjamin Franklin 2010 began, as almost every year does, as a promise. A promise that good things would happen, that problems would be solved and forgotten and that nothing would go wrong. As…

  • Self-inflicted epiphanic subliminal message

    Today was a particularly good day for me. The reasons are beyond the scope of this blog, so suffice it to say that an epiphany I achieved today during the afternoon made me understand a lot of the past decade. I couldn’t really say much here without giving away a lot of things I don’t…

  • The only thing that never changes is change itself

    A month and a half after my last post, here I am with the feeling that it was a much longer time ago that I wrote that quick note about being half-way through with the year. And I still recall the feeling I had at that moment, that I don’t have a home. Of course…

  • Half-way through

    Even if I still couldn’t manage to write a post here (even though there’s plenty of things to write about) at least I finally mustered the willpower to change the layout back to the way it was before I went to Buenos Aires. One thing I must say, though. At the moment there is not…

  • More a test than a post

    Although this is more of a test than a real post, I wanted to put something here anyway. It’s not easy coming up with stuff to write in a blog. Anyone who has ever had one knows it. Especially if it’s not a theme-oriented enterprise, but just some place where one would like to register…