de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum

Category: Travel

  • A perspective going “back to action”

    A perspective going “back to action”



    Well, here we are again, almost a year after last post. It’s about time we talk about perspective again. At this point, it’s almost a personal tradition to occasionally abandon this blog and come back…

  • Mnemonic



    This post is not a post. It is more a reminder to myself of stuff I want to write about, and to which I’ve been giving some thought. All I need to do now is…

  • 2010 is over.



    “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man.” –Benjamin Franklin 2010 began, as almost every year does, as a promise. A…

  • Half-way through



    Even if I still couldn’t manage to write a post here (even though there’s plenty of things to write about) at least I finally mustered the willpower to change the layout back to the way…

  • 24 hours.



    Tomorrow my girlfriend leaves for Finland. She’s going to be away for three years to do her PhD. Although the possibility existed ever since I first met her, it only became real abou two months…