Category: Introspection

  • 2008

    Every year I write down here a short text about what happened during the year and try to draw some conclusions to help me move forward. 2008 was a particularly difficult year.  To be honest, only one particularly bad thing happened this year, but that was more than enough.  I defended my masters, my brother…

  • Movin’ out

    After almost three and a half years I finally decided to move out from Daniel’s place. It was about time. Quite frankly, it was actually past time I moved out. I think I got too comfortable living there, and ended up staying longer than I should have. Living together with another person for an extender…

  • Master

    I defended my masters last friday. Everything was absolutely great. In fact I was quite worried because I had a sore throat since the day before, and so there was a chance that I wouldn’t have a voice to use in my presentation. However, even though my throat didn’t get all better I was able…

  • My father.

    The last time I spoke to my dad was about ten days ago. He was getting better from his illness (he suffered from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a disease that slowly deteriorates the lungs with no chance of recovery), enough for the hospital to consider sending him home. But, as it turns out, I was the…

  • 24 hours.

    Tomorrow my girlfriend leaves for Finland. She’s going to be away for three years to do her PhD. Although the possibility existed ever since I first met her, it only became real abou two months ago when she finally got accepted. I have to admit that part of me was kinda hoping she wouldn’t get…

  • Is a car worth it?

    Earlier this year, after more than 9 years, I finally got my driver’s license. Since then there has been only one thing I wanted more than anything else: a car. To be honest, that bugs me. A LOT. Not because I don’t think having a car is important, but because I can’t help but feel…

  • (good/bad/nothing) year

    Back in new year’s eve, six and a half months ago, I had this funny feeling that this year was not really going to be a great one. Since then a lot has happened. Both good and bad things came up, and a strange, bitter-sweet feeling was already beginning to settle. My intention here was…