Category: Technology

  • A quick update

    A quick update

    It has been a long while since I’ve posted anything here. After coming back from Germany things went completely crazy, so I ended up neglecting the blog a bit. It happens every once in a while; looking back through the history of this blog one quickly realizes that, among about a gazillion random notes, there…

  • Headbanging: GNU versus Linux

    Headbanging: GNU versus Linux

    One of the oldest flamewars in the non-Windows world is the one between people who call the operating system based on the kernel developed by Linus Torvalds “Linux” or “GNU/Linux”. A bit of history All the way back in 1983, a certain Richard Stallman started a project he called “GNU” (Gnu is Not Unix). It’s…

  • Wikis and other annoyances

    Wikis and other annoyances

    Wikis are cool! I had installed MediaWiki on my server some time ago, but it remained 99% of the time idle because to be honest I had no idea what to do with it. Recently I’ve installed Debian on my desktop and I kept thinking it would be cool to have a written “to-do list”…

  • Mnemonic

    This post is not a post. It is more a reminder to myself of stuff I want to write about, and to which I’ve been giving some thought. All I need to do now is to sit my butt in the chair, somehow manage not to get distracted, put my thoughts in order and write.…

  • Graphics!

    I have a confession to make: I bought a new graphics card. I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal. Especially when you check prices for these things on international stores. But with the dolar rampant the prices in Brazil have taken a turn for the worse (as if they weren’t bad enough). I…

  • Testing Flock

    As usual, I’m not satisfied with stuff in my computer. For some reason there’s always something I feel could be better in my computer. A program that could be doing stuff it does not but would be useful to me, a way it should behave or something else. I’m not complaining. This is actually simply…

  • Where is the web going?

    Some time ago I began using Google Reader to stay up-to-date with stuff. By stuff I mean blogs from friends, news from several sites, updates from scientific publications, lolcats/loldogs, and so on. Basically, everything. That brings to mind something very odd that’s been happening to the internet. People don’t have to go to websites to…