de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum

Science vs Everything Else

Reclamações recentes

  • Finally!


    I finally convinced compiz that is would be a good idea if it worked here. Now it’s doing great. There are a few more tweaks I want to make, like changing gdm’s theme, adding a graphical interface to grub and a graphical progress bar for the boot, but the basics are covered.

  • A lot done.


    Work. Work-work-work. A bit more of work. That’s what it took for me to get a decent desktop running. After a lot of things I had to go through, including a fresh install, a huge amount of bizarre errors, a reinstall, an upgrade to lenny, a driver compilation and lots and lots and lots of…

  • Moving On



    So an aunt of mine died last monday. I have to be honest, it was kind of expected. But something like that brings you down anyway. Still, I see something very odd in the way I react to stuff like this. The last time I actually cried because of someone else’s death was some 13…

  • Guitar Villain


    Finally I started learning to play the guitar. I borrowed an electric guitar from Pivo yesterday and I’m already training chord switching. With time, I hope, I’ll gain calluses and start making some noise! It’s going to be a while until then, though. Music has a very slow learning curve. At least, that’s what it…

  • Gotta earn it.



    Yesterday was Yoshi’s birthday. To celebrate, Red Five performed their first public appearance – Yoshi is one of the guitar players in the band. It was so cool. It was the first time I went to a *ahem* concert and knew some members of the band. Their setlist is good, everyone enjoyed it. Sometimes I…

  • I honestly don’t know what to write about here. I guess it’s because so many things have been happening in the last few weeks I haven’t had the time to sort it all out. However I have been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve been thinking mostly about the way I live and the way…

  • Dammit.


    , ,

    I hate RUMP. A LOT. Apparently, the feeling is mutual.