de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum

Science vs Everything Else

Reclamações recentes

  • MediaMonkey used to be my music player of choice for many reasons: it wasn’t hard on the CPU, it was easy to use, it could handle my music library with ease, made it quick to find anything I wanted to hear, and most of all, it simply worked. That is not the case anymore. After…

  • Samples and memories



    This is what’s left of my masters: a box full of samples. The picture above, which I took a few minutes ago, is from a box where I stored all samples and materials I used in my work for my masters degree. Actually, not all the materials are in the box – some of them,…

  • Three years



    Yesterday I received word about my PhD. My grant is going to last only for 3 years, which is a considerably short time for a PhD… but, considering that this work is going to be a continuation of work I’ve done in my masters, it gets a little easier to make it happen in that…

  • Finally some good news


    At last something good – really good – happened. My project was granted! Now I do have something official about my PhD – it’s an absolute certainty now.  Ever since I defended my masters last september everything on my life was on hold, waiting for an answer that came not too early. Sure, a lot of…

  • A moment of reflection


    Your priorities define the kind of person you are. Your methods define if you are good enough for them.

  • Já vai tarde.


    Very good things happened in 2008. But I’m not gonna miss that year. Not anytime soon. Anyway, Happy New Year.

  • 2008


    Every year I write down here a short text about what happened during the year and try to draw some conclusions to help me move forward. 2008 was a particularly difficult year.  To be honest, only one particularly bad thing happened this year, but that was more than enough.  I defended my masters, my brother…