Category: Brazil

  • Why I root against

    Why I root against

    The World Cup has kicked off last week – and here we are again, in this weird mood that takes over Brazil every four years. To me, the difference is that my circles have actually expanded since last time, and therefore some people might find it weird that I’m not “in the mood” for rooting…

  • Evolving means leaving the past behind

    Evolving means leaving the past behind

    Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about a former University mate. Back then, those of us who had a less developed class consciousness would laugh at him. I don’t remember the exact words he used, but it went somewhat like this: If you’re not a leftist, then you’re alienated, and that’s not up for debate.…

  • Adiós, 2020

    Adiós, 2020

    And here we go, into the most predictable post in this blog: the year review. It’s probably he only constant here that every year I try and do a balance of the year that ends and talk about what I expect from the year that is beginning. Needless to say, 2020 was a shitty year.…

  • A perspective going “back to action”

    A perspective going “back to action”

    Well, here we are again, almost a year after last post. It’s about time we talk about perspective again. At this point, it’s almost a personal tradition to occasionally abandon this blog and come back after a long time, with a post that usually begins with me complaining about how I spent way too long…

  • A quick update

    A quick update

    It has been a long while since I’ve posted anything here. After coming back from Germany things went completely crazy, so I ended up neglecting the blog a bit. It happens every once in a while; looking back through the history of this blog one quickly realizes that, among about a gazillion random notes, there…

  • Why I closed down my Facebook

    This week I closed down my Facebook account. It was not an easy decision to make. I’d been thinking about it for the last few months, after realizing that the site has become a very different creature than what it was when it all began, over ten years ago. Back then, around 2005, social networks…

  • I hate banks. Apparently, the feeling in mutual.

    So banks hate me. Or, at least, Santander does. For some obscure reason I’m not aware of, every single time I need something out of the ordinary from them, it’s excruciatingly painful to get it. Somehow they find a way to keep annoying me with endless, random problems. For the last whole month I’ve been…